
Bolles Denies Faculty Votes 'No' on NCAA

'Herald' Says Entry In Tourney Vetoed

Thomas D. Bolles, Director of Athletics, denied yesterday a report in the Boston Herald that the Administration to allow the varsity hockey team enter the NCAA national tournament.

Chairman of the Faculty Committee on Athletics, Bolles said that he expects to announce the Committee's decision later this week. The deadline for signifying willingness to enter the tourney, if asked, 18 Feb. 28.

Members of the Committee, including Bolles, refused to say whether the decision has yet to be made. Some suspect that it has.

The Herald said yesterday that "Harvard officials" vetoed NCAA tourney competition for 1961, a proposed game against the Russian team next year, and a Western tour next Christmas vacation. Bolles attributed this statement to a decision by the Committee last month against the Russians.

Plans are continening, however, for a Western trip next season.

Many members of the hockey team considered the newspaper report as a death knell to their hopes to play in the tournament. Some said that they were particularly upset after remembering a telegram sent to the team before the Beanpot finals last Monday by Dean Watson.


Watson's Telegram

The message reportedly bid the team to "prove you are of NCAA calibre," and team members, in view of this, considered their loss to Boston College Monday night to be the deciding factor. The team's loss, some said, explained the Herald report.

At a press conference last Monday afternoon, Watson said "the situation has improved" in reference to unfair recruiting by Western colleges--given last year as the reason for the team's withdrawal from the tournament. He added, however, that the calibre of the team this season was a factor in the Faculty's decision.
