
Summer School Staff Will Include Malamud, Hook, Frankl, Deutsch

A prize-winning storyteller, an eminent social philosopher, and a Viennese pay choanalyst will be among those offering courses when the Summer School opens its 86th session on June 26.

Bernard Malamud, whose collection of short stories, The Magic Barrel, won the National Book Award for fiction in 1959, will direct an advanced course in fiction writing. No limit for enrollment in the course has yet been established.

Sidney Hook is scheduled to teach a middle-level course on problems in social and political philosophy, and a seminar on John Dewey. Hook teaches regularly at New York University.

A one-time colleague of Sigmund Freud and a practising psychoanalyst, Viktor E. Frank, professor at the University of Vienna, will lecture on the abnormal personality and direct a seminar.

Other outstanding non-Harvard scholars slated to teach in Summer School are Frank Kermode, an English literary critic from the University of Manchester, and Karl Deutsch, who teaches international relations at Yale.


According to Thomas E. Crooks '49, Director, the Summer School will probably achieve a record-breaking enrollment this year, exceeding last summer's total of 4122. Houses to be used as student residences have not yet been announced.

Preliminary catalogs are available in the Summer School office, 2 Weld Hall. Advance registration for Harvard and Radcliffe students is scheduled May 1 and 2 for the session, which will end on Aug. 18. Of last year's total of 2233 undergraduates, 26 per cent (526) were from Harvard and Radcliffe.
