
Unbeaten Varsity Track Men Face Tough Army Team in Briggs Today

Seek to Avenge Previous Defeat

If the varsity track team can add Army to its list of victims--which so far includes such lightweights as M.I.T. and B.U.--it will become a force to be reckoned with in Eastern circles. Indications are that coach Bill McCurdy has put together a top-flight team, and the meet with the Cadets at 2 p.m. this afternoon in Briggs Cage will give the Crimson a chance to prove itself.

Last winter, Army defeated the Crimson by one-third of a point, 54 2/3 to 54 1/3. Today's clash is unlikely to be very much closer, but it should be interesting. Army, though weakened by graduation, has beaten St. John's and Pittsburgh, and lost narrowly to powerful Manhattan.

The advertised time for the contest, 2 p.m., is a fooler. Spectators who arrive then will miss the afternoon's showcase event. The weight throw, at 1 p.m., will bring together six men who have tossed the 35-lb. ball more than 54 ft., and two 60-ft.-plus performers--the Crimson's Stan Doten and Ted Balley.

The varisty's Fred Howard could be a key man this afternoon. McCurdy will count on Howard for a first in the 1000, and the Crimson captain is the team's best bet in the 600, against three good Army performers.

As usual, Tom Blodgett must come through in several events. He should take the pole vault and hurdles with case.


The shot put, with Steve Cohen and Rick deLone of Harvard facing Jerry Clements and Jerry Seay of Army, should be extremely close, as should the match between the Crimson's Marty Beckwith and Army's Gene LaBorne in the high jump.

Army is loaded in the distances, but Crimson runners Mark Mullin in the mile and Jed Fitsgerald in the two-mile are both first-place threats.
