
Squash Team Will Face Princeton, Drive to Penn for Evening Match

Varsity to Play Both Today

In spite of what the printed schedule says, the squash team will take on Princeton and Penn within six hours of one another this afternoon. The Princeton match will be at 2 p.m. in New Jersey, and the Penn match this evening at 8 p.m. in Philadelphia.

To complete the weekend, the Crimson's top five will compete in the nationals tomorrow and Sunday.

Princeton presents a far more formidable challenge to the as yet undefeated varsity than does the Quaker nine. The Tigers' Steve Vehslage and Jimmy Zug are definite favorites to collect individual wins in the top spots, leaving the varsity faced with the necessity of winning five of the bottom seven matches.

Test games this week have slightly altered the Crimson's ladder in the crucial middle and lower sections. Paul Sullivan has moved up to the number five position, behind Tony Lake and Roger Wiegand at three and four. Also, Jay Nelson will be playing his first official match for the varsity, at number nine. The rest of the lineup is much the same as it has been all winter, except that Doug Poole cannot make the trip.

Behind Vehslage, the Intercollegiate champion, and Zug, a former National Junior Titlist, the Tigers' quality drops off somewhat. Steve Cox, Bart McGuire, and Cameron MacRae--all probable starters for Princeton--are sophomores, and reportedly have not acquired experience at quite the same rate as the sophomores on the Crimson team.


Immediately after the Princeton contest, the Crimson varsity will head for Philadelphia's Penn-Sherwood Hotel and the match at the University of Pennsylvania. If the team can beat Princeton, it is inconceivable that it lose to Penn. On the other hand, should Princeton dump the varsity, the psychological effect might be enough to overcome Harvard's definite superiority over Penn on paper.

Leading off for Penn will be co-captain Ken Lehman, followed at number two by the other co-captain, Tom Patzau. Other Penn players are Bert Berkwich, Bill Reynolds, John Kent, and Marty Cohen.
