
Precedent, Deans' Opinion Indicate Dim Chances for Parietals Change

Despite the optimistic cry of Howard J. Phillips '62 that "now is a good time to try," it appears that the Student Council will meet traditional, insurmountable opposition if it attempts to bring about an extension of parietal hours.

Dean Monro stated yesterday he is against the proposed change, and added that "the Administration is weary of this constant nagging on the issue of parietals." Describing current parietal hours as "generous and reasonable," he remarked that "surely there are more important issues for the Student Council to worry about."

A Freshman Council resolution asking that Yardling regulations be brought into general agreement with those of the Houses received a cool reception by Dean von Stade, who termed the changes "unworkable."

Most of the objections to a change, von Stade indicated, involved the "physical set-up" of Yard dorms rather than moral considerations. He urged the Freshman Council to investigate ways of using the Union facilities more profitably.

House Master Dubious


House Masters, the first officials with whom the Council will have to deal, appeared little more enthusiastic than the deans. While many said they were willing to listen to the Council's arguments, the observation of John H. Finley, Jr. '25, Master of Eliot House, that "this year is no different from any other year" seemed typical of the general reaction.

Elliott Perkins '23, Master of Lowell House, agreed to keep "an open but not vacant mind," but several other Masters said they would probably vote against the Council plan.

The Phillips plan would extend Friday and vacation night hours to 12 midnight.
