
Glee Club Will Sing At Davison Service

The Harvard Glee Club and the University Choir will sing today at a funeral service for former choral director Archibald T. Davison '06, James Edward Ditson Professor of Music, emeritus, at 2 p.m. in Memorial Church.

The service for Davison, who led the revival of serious classics in American choral music, will be conducted by Samuel H. Miller, Dean of the Faculty of Divinity. Davison taught Music 1 and advanced courses in addition to directing the Glee Club, the University Choir, and the Radcliffe Choral Society.

G. Wallace Woodworth '24, James Edward Ditson Professor of Music, and Elliot Forbes '40, professor of Music and director of the Glee Club--both successors of Davison--will direct the music.
