
HCC Drive Falls Short, Misses Goal of $24,000

The Combined Charities Drive for 1961 apparently will not reach its goal. Projected totals after last night's solicitation indicated that the Drive would net $23,000, $1,000 short of its target figure.

Martyn D. Greenacre '64, publicity director of the Drive, said early this morning that solicitation will probably go on this afternoon in places where the campaign has so far been unsuccessful. Adams House will solicit again Monday night; in other Houses, the captains will decide whether or not further canvassing is worthwhile.

Last night, the Drive collected approximately $2900. The total before the night's solicitation stood at $20,195. Amounts collected earlier in the week were $6462 on Monday, $5786 on Tuesday, $4047 on Wednesday, and $3899 on Thursday, but the Combined Charities leaders were confident early yesterday that the Drive would succeed despite the downward trend during the week.

Leverett House went over its goal Thursday night, and added $290 yesterday, for a total of $2900. This figure is 116 per cent of the House's quota. Greenacre commended Peter H. Darrow '64, captain in Leverett, for an outstanding job; among other things, Darrow turned up two $100 donations.

The Yard topped its goal last night, aided by an anonymous $500 gift. Greenacre said that Winthrop will also probably clear 100 per cent when all returns are in.


Lowell House continued to be the Drive's major disappointment. After a $260 net last night, Lowell's total was only $1650, 71 per cent of its quota. Greenacre said that other weak spots were Quincy--where the contribution, while not particularly low, was smaller than last year's--and Adams.

Greenacre expressed disappointment in the results of the Drive, and put blame for the failure on the timing of the campaign. "There was no other time we could have had it, but this week was an awkward time," he said.
