



ROSMERSHOLM, one of Ibsen's late, knotty plays. Presented by the Harvard Dramatic Club at the Loeb Drama Center, tonight through Sunday, and Tuesday through Saturday, Dec. 16, at 8 p.m. Tickets $1.50.

IOLANTHE, "the most enjoyable show around" (Crimson presented by the Harvard Gilbert and Sullivan Players at Agassiz Theatre, tonight and Saturday.

MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL--T.S. Eliot's play about Thomas a Becket and Henry VIII will be presented by the Adam House Drama Society tonight through Sunday in St. John's Chapel, 99 Brattle St. (one block from Radcliffe yard). Curtain at 8:30 p.m. No tickets sold at the door.

THE COUNTRY WIFEThe wicked, licentious Restoration comedy by William Wyncherly will be presented at Winthrop House tonight through Sunday at 8 p.m. with a Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets may be purchased Coop.



ADVISE AND CONSENT dramatization of Allen Drury's Pulitzer-prize winning novel is at the Wilbur. The play Farley Granger and Chester Morris. Phone HA 6-5827.
