
Varsity, Freshmen Request Spring Practice for Soccer

At least one fall sport is slated to have spring practice this year, and this time at the request of the players. The captains of both the freshman and varsity soccer squads have indicated that a good percentage of the players on their teams are very enthusiastic about off-season scrimmage.

This is not the first time that spring soccer practice has been contemplated, but in the past the lack of a coach and a field has made it impossible. The coaching problem, which comes from the fact that Bruce Munro, varsity mentor, also coaches lacrosse in the spring, was solved this year when Poley Guyda, the freshman coach, indicated that he would be willing to take over the spring duties. By alternating with the rugby team on its field, the booters may be able to get around the problem of space.

Both Munro and Guyda expressed delight that there is such enthusiasm on the two squads. They both agree that the added practice will be a great boon to next fall's varsity. Munro feels that although past teams have not been greatly hurt by the lack of spring practice, they have been at a disadvantage when they played teams like Yale who have a regular spring practice.

Guyda and Mauricio Toro, the freshman captain, agree that the practice will be invaluable in working the top freshman players onto the varsity.

At one time during the fall there was a plan afoot to use the Briggs Cage for practice during the winter. This was foiled by lack of available Briggs Cage time.
