

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Your article of December 1 regarding the report of the Harvard Young Democrats has just been brought to my attention; please permit me to answer in print their statements.

As is stated in your article, CORE has never urged Trailways to lower their standards. We know that qualified applicants have sought employment at Trailways as baggage clerks and ticket agents. The Young Democrats' report fails to mention that present Trailways porters sought advancement but were put off by the Trailways management while outside whites were hired. The case of the one porter who finally was allowed to take an "advancement" test and then was fired is but one of many incidents; failure to file a formal charge with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination hardly should be equated with lack of discrimination.

As recently as this week a Negro seeking employment at Trailways was accorded unfair treatment. CORE will file on its own behalf a complaint charging Trailways with employment discrimination.

Naturally we in CORE are disappointed that the Young Democrats' report found no proof of discrimination at Trailways; we believe that such a finding is in error and that the facts amply justify our charges. We of course will continue to urge all persons to boycott Trailways of New England until they adopt a hiring policy based on merit, not on race. Alan Gartner   Chairman   Boston CORE
