A poor showing by Lowell House Monday dropped the first-night contribution total for this year's Combined Charities Drive below the 1960 figure.
The fund-raising committee reported a $6,450 collection but only $80 came from Lowell, which donated three per cent of its goal.
A spokesman for the drive committee said the response was "not as good as hoped for."
The Combined Charities fund-raising drive climbed to almost 50 per cent of its $24,000 goal yesterday as second-night contributors added $5,100 to the $6,400 given Monday.
Freshmen again were the most generous, contributing $1,360 to bring their two-day total to $3,890 or 60 per cent of the Yard goal. Lowell House contributed$400, but still lagged behind the other House with only 20 per cent of its qota filled.
The two-night total last year was just under $12,000
As usual, the freshmen topped the donors. Their $2,530 covered 40 per cent of the Yard quota. Leverett contributed $340 (33 percent of its goal), white Kirkland followed with $710 (34 per cent of its target).
Average donation for the first night was $6.75, considerably below the committee's suggested donation of $10. The Combined Charities have set a record $24,000 goal for the campaign. This is $1,500 above last year's target and about $1,000 above the amount its collected last year.
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