
Wrestlers Vie With M.I.T. Tonight, Pinning Hopes on Four Sophomores

Plnning its hopes on four sophomores, the varsity wrestling team hopes to open its season with a win over M.I.T. tonight and gain a little revenge in the process.

A surprisingly strong Tech squad topped Harvard last season 16-11, enroute to a 7-1 mark for the year. M.I.T. has five lettermen returning, so the match should prove a stiff test for the much-improved Crimson.

Gaptain George Doub, who decisioned his M.I.T. opponent last year, will lead the way for Harvard at 130 pounds. He shouldn't have much trouble defeating Tech's inexperienced Don Topkis.

But the outcome of the match will probably be determined by the performance be determined by the performance of sophomores Peter Keeler (123), Brooks Cavin (137), Fred Pareira (177), and Bob Fastov (heavyweight)--all graduates of a freshmen team which compiled an unimpressive mark last season.

Keeler meets Armond Gabriellen and Pareira takes on Tech co-captain Howie Graves; both matches will probably be tossups. Fastov should defeat M.I.T.'s Tim Sloat. But Cavin may face tough going in his varsity debut when he meets junior Jim Evens, New England's freshman wrestling champion of two seasons ago.


Harvard's Bob Kolodney (167) and Bill Smith (147) both are experienced and are favored to win, but their opponents --Paul Olmstead and Tech co-captain Greg Brown--are both returnees from the succesful 1960-61 squad, so their matches will not be pushovers for the Crimson. Ken Reese of Harvard will face Tom Gerrity in the 157-lb, bracket.
