
Drive Collects $1,045 To Aid Voting Rights Of Negroes in South

A fund drive in the College last week to raise money for the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) collected $1,045, Richard J. Rothstein '63, chairman of the drive, announced last night.

Radcliffe and the Divinity School will hold similar fund drives starting Wednesday.

The money, collected by the sale of buttons in the House dining halls, will be used by SNCC to continue training Negroes in Mississippi to pass voter registration tests. In the three counties where SNCC is now working only about 2 per cent of the eligible Negroes are registered.

Most qualified voters have been intimidated into refraining from trying to register, and those that have tried have been turned down., victims of a highly subjective registration test, Rothstein said.

"The generous contribution of the Harvard community comes at a critical time," Rothstein declared. "The money collected last week will be largely responsible for keeping the SNCC operation going."


McDew to Speak

Charles McDew, chairman of SNCC, will speak here Wednesday. McDew is making a tour of New England colleges to help raise money and publicize the work of the Committee in Mississippi. His trip is being sponsored by the Southern Student Freedom Fund, which was formed in September by the National Student Association to help raise money for SNCC.
