
Alumni Fund Reports Increase in Donors

The Harvard Fund, which solicits unrestricted funds from alumni of the College, has reported an increase this year in both givers and dollars.

As of Nov. 27, the Fund had collected $171,848, compared to the $115,134 received in 1960-61. The number of alumni who have contributed has increased from 2641 to 4024.

In an appeal this fall for contributions through the Fund, President Pusey listed the projects which unrestricted gifts for current use would support: the Advanced Standing Program, the Freshman Seminar Program, the freshman "House" system, Chemistry tutorial, Biology in the General Education Program, the new Latin American Office, the Fellows of the Houses plan, the Library, and scholarships, loans, and financial aid.

Pusey emphasized the need of the Library; in the Program for Harvard College only $2,000,000 of the $15,000,000 goal was raised.
