
Snow, Ice Make Roads Slippery; Flights Cancelled

Hockey, Basketball Plan Western Trips

Students excepting to sneak out of Cambridge area yesterday by plane in hope of an extra three days' vacation were not having very good luck.

The four inches of snow and freezing rain caused most major airlines to cancel fights. United Airlines reported all fights cancelled yesterday, with TWA, Eastern, and American Airlines cancelling all jet flights. Spokesmen at Logan Airport reported that all airline flights would be on schedule today.

Driving conditions, however, will remain poor today and tonight. The AAA reported that outside the Metropolitan Boston Area, freezing rains and drizzle will make driving hazardous. Major roads out of Boston are plowed, but slippery.

About 20 members of the hockey team will fly to Minneapolis Wednesday, Dec. 27 for games with the University of Minnesota Friday, Dec. 29, and Saturday, Dec. 30. The team will then fly to Colorado Springs Sunday, Dec. 31, for games with Colorado College Monday, Jan. 1 and Tuesday, Jan. 2.

The basketball team will travel to St. Louis, Mo., for a three-day tournament with mid-Western teams on the campus of Washington University, Dec. 28-30. The team will stop in Pittsburgh, Pa. Wednesday, Jan. 3, for a game with Carnegie Tech on its return trip.


The Harvard Student Agencies reports that its annual Europe by Air Christmas charter flight has been cencelled. The Agency has been having other types of bad weather. A spokesman for the HSA said that increasing costs and lack of participants forced the cancellations.

Twenty-one Harvard Clubs throughout the country will hold luncheons and dinners for undergraduate during the Christmas recess. The Harvard Club of Worcester will entertain Friday, Dec. 22. On Tuesday, Dec. 26, the Harvard Club of Miami will host students of the Miami area. The following Harvard Clubs will have receptions on Wednesday, Dec. 27: Albany, Rochester, Pittsburgh, Cincinnatti, Detroit, Atlanta, New Haven, Chicago, Kansas City, and Jacksonville.

On Thursday, Dec. 28, the clubs of Syracuse, Buffalo, Dayton, Cleveland, Akron, Portland, Me., and Baltimore will hold receptions. The clubs of Columbus and Milwaukee will host on Friday, Dec. 29.
