
Radcliffe Librarian Favors Saturday Evening Hours

Ruth K. Porritt, Radcliffe librarian, said last night that she favors keeping the Radcliffe library open on Saturday nights and is willing to start the new policy during Reading Period.

She said that she has sent a favorable report and cost estimates to President Bunting, who is expected to make the final decision before Christmas vacation.

Early in December Mrs. Bunting urged that the library remain open until 11 p.m. on Saturday nights for a trial period "to begin as soon as possible" and extend through final examinations.

Committee Complains

The Sophomore Class Committee, which first suggested the extra hours, complained recently that the library "seemed to be stalling" in making the final decision to remain open on Saturday nights. Members of the committee said that "the librarian was having trouble getting workers for Saturday and had mentioned prohibitive costs."


Miss Porritt stated last night, however, that "people are available to staff the library during the extra hours." She also claimed that a published figure of $400 per night to keep the library open "was terribly exaggerated."

Helen S. Garvy '64, chairman of the Sophomore Committee, said yesterday that "there will probably be a heavy demand for the library on Saturday nights during Reading Period." She stressed that "both girls with study dates and those who have too much work" need the extra hours and claimed that it is very difficult to study in the dorms on Saturday.

Miss Garvy also revealed that Francis R. Brown, Dean of Residence and Student Affairs, will allow Harvard students to eat free of charge in the Radcliffe dormitories for "both educational functions and club meetings," if the club "will profit from a dinner meeting."
