
Charities Drive Falls $200 Below 1961 Goal

Donations to the Combined Charities Drive fell only $200 short of this year's $24,000 goal.

Although Leverett House, Winthrop House, and the Yard exceeded their goals by 16, 11, and seven per cent respectively, response in five other Houses hovered around 80 per cent of expected totals. Dudley House netted only 15 per cent of its projected target.

The final tabulation showed contributions as follows: Adams House, $1,425, or 81 per cent of its goal; Claverly Hall, $700, 93 per cent; Dudley House, $150, 15 per cent; Dunster House $1,760, 80 per cent; Eliot House $2,530, 100 per cent; Kirkland House, $1,630, 83 per cent; Leverett House, $2,900, 116 per cent; Lowell House, $1,860, 81 per cent; Quincy House, $1,890, 82 per cent; Winthrop House, $2,220, 111 per cent; and the Yard, $6,775, 107 per cent.

Because of the failure to reach this year's total, which was $1,500 more than last year's, the drive's board of directors will recommend the goal not be raised in 1962.
