
Two Views On Project Jarba

In the Mail:

To the Editors of The CRIMSON:

Great would be the hue and cry if a foreign nation refused to let American Negroes enter the country in order to participate on the U.S. Olympic team. This is exactly analogous to the Jordanian refusal to allow American Jews to work on Project Jarba. The phenomena and their origins are different, but the effects are identical: Secondclass citizenship for Americans who are entitled by the Constitution to enjoy equal opportunities.

Professor Adam Curle's "explanation" of Jordan's position (as reported in the CRIMSON of December 5). namely that "Jordan is still officially at war with Israel and will not permit any Jews to enter the country on the assumption that they are enemy agents," is even more degrading than comon garden-variety segregation. Millions of American citizens, most of whom have never been anywhere near the Middle East, are flatly labeled as spies of a foreign country.

May I therefore urge Dean Leighton, Miss Taylor, and other Project Jarba officials not to accept this political propaganda as a valid explanation, much less excuse, of a position which is insulting not only to American Jews but to the American Constitution as well. David Monroe Miller '62
