

The Student Council is conducting a note in the Union today on the constitional referendum held Thursday. The results of the referendum will be announced Tuesday morning, after the Yard ballots are tabulated.

There was a misunderstanding in procedure according the Charles M. Warchol '63, chairman of the Council executive committee. Apparently freshmen were given ballots, but no check was made on who cast the. Only 330 ballots were returned out of 900 Issued. There are more than 1200 students in the Class of 1965.

Another difficulty was that no copy of the constitution was posted in the Union. As a result, many freshmen, Including those on the Freshman Council, had only a vague Idea of what the vote was about, Warchol said.

The decision to wait until today for the revote was made on a split vote of the Council executive committee.

Warchol also announced last night that elections for seats on the next council--regardless of what constitution it operates under--will be held next Saturday. Should the new constitution pass, each House will elect only one member at large. if it fails, the told system of sophomore and Junior representative from the Houses will remain In effect.


Petitions for candidates will be due at 5 p.m. Thursday.
