
Cornell Will Discuss War

Sixty-five faculty members at Cornell have cancelled all their classes for one day in an effort to dramatize the threat of global war.

They will replace their usual lectures and sections with informal discussions centering on war and nuclear testing. In the weeks since four English professors first planned the move, the number of faculty men involved has been growing steadily and may top 100 before the selected day--Friday, Nov. 17.

Move Before Faculty

The move will be discussed at the regular meeting of the Cornell faculty this Friday. There is expected to be some consideration of its propriety, but no real outcome other than further publicity.

The professors plan to speak at a mass meeting of students and faculty scheduled for the afternoon of their discussion day. They have no central position to make public, but will continue their call for rational thought, in place of hysteria or lethargy.


"Civilization in Danger"

"Civilization is in danger," asserts a form letter they have circulated at Cornell and mailed to hundreds of faculty members in other Eastern colleges. "Our conscience dictates that, as part of our teaching obligation, we raise these issues as forcefully as we can."

Copies were received at Harvard within the past few days, and though there has not yet been any organized action on a plea in the letters for support in other colleges, unofficial sources have indicated that favorable sentiment exists here in the Law School.
