
Winter Track Team Looks Promising With Core of Experienced Performers

The 1961-62 winter track team is one with several awe-inspiring performers. There are, for example, mighty Ted Bailey, the 62-ft. weight thrower, and massive Rick Mullin, the 4:18.1 miler, and springy-legged Marty Beckwith, the 6 ft., 6 in, high jumper; doughty Don Kirkland, the 1:12.7 600 man, and determined Eddie Meehan, a star in anything from the 600 to the two-mile.

Yet it is a curious thing about the winter track team. It never seems to do very well. Last year's squad was impressive in its early meets. but it feel apart against Yale, and was perfectly abysmal in the Heptagonal championships, which it could have won.

This year's group is the kind of team that should excel in the Heps. It has several stars, good support, and few glaring week spots. But chances are that March will once again find the varsity an also-ran in the big meet it has not won since the glory days of 1956-57.

Team Looks Promising

On the other hand, things do look promising. In the fled events, the Crimson should be invincible. Bailey should take first in every dual meet weight throw competition, unless Art Doten (who has reached 60 ft. in practice), Loren Clayman, or Leigh Callaway overtakes him.


DeLone should be threatening the University shot mark of 56 ft., 8 1/2 in. before long, and Sarge Nichols, like DeLone a former record-holder, should approach the 55-ft, range. Beckwith is entertaining thoughts of beating B.U.'s John Thomas when they meet in Briggs Cage on Dec. 11, and he's not just whistling up his shirt sleeve.

Beckwith, Al Albright, and Zeke Azikiwe are all 23-ft. broad jumpers. Only the pole vault, manned by 12 ft., 6 in. performer Jay Mahaney, is week.

One big test for the varsity comes on Dec. 16 against Manhattan. Fortunately the meet is in the local Snake Pit, which almost insures a Crimson victory.
