
Crimson Open House Next Monday, Tuesday

The CRIMSON again welcomes visitors to its building next week, in introductory meetings for the annual winter push for new members. Crimeds will describe the paper's operation and facilities to those who may be interested in participating on the staff or those who wish only to look around.

The winter house is Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., at the Crimson building, 14 Plymton St. Refresnments will be served.

The winter competition is usually popular among freshmen who have chosen to spend their fall getting established in the Yard and now are anxious for an out-activity. There are plenty of openings for all four boards of the CRIMSON--news, editorial, photography, and business, and the paper likes to elect as many candidates as possible. No previous experience necessary--just an interest in what goes on at Harvard.

Participating on the staff of the University's daily newspaper can involve almost anything--even beyond the usual journalistic functions of writing and editing.

This fall, one editor came up with the idea of running an advertisement in the Queens College paper as a Crimson protest of infringements upon academic freedom in New York City. A week later, several Crimeds combined to publish, edit and distribute a successful parody of the Yale Dally News. While in the front of the building a member of the Business Board arranges a special Christmas advertising promotion, in the rear a photo editor prepares a feature. While a cartoonist ponders over a possible topic, another staff member arranges the CRIMSON's next Faculty Dinner.


Visitors to the CRIMSON Monday and Tuesday will also find the usual journalistic functions: news reporting, news photography, editorial writing, and feature writing. Advice and critical help abound for candidates. According to those who have participated on the CRIMSON, few organizations combine as many various opportunities, as many faculty contacts, as much exposure to what is going on around Harvard, as much chance to meet people within and beyond the University community. The experience is rewarding.

There is little to lose in dropping by 14 Plympton St., next Monday and Tuesday, and the beer is free.
