
Trumbull Touch Team Trounces Funsters To Claim Title

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 24--Trumbull College's touch football six over-came the handicap of numb hands and a slippery football to slap a 38-18 shellacking on Dunster House for the touch football championship of the world here this afternoon.

Dunster had only five of its regular six players on the field and to be able to play at all had to rely on an unofficial substitute. The Dunsters were completely out-classed by the Yale team which passed, ran, and later rallied like the Harlem Globetrotters. The Bulls added injury to insult by scoring their final two points on the last play of the game, dropping a Dunster passer behind the goal as he looked vainly for receivers.

Joe Augustine scored twice for the Funsters and Paul Sullivan once. The other regulars for the Crimson were Curely Coombs, Dave Northcross, and Fred Wacker.
