
Bulldogs Blank Junior Varsity

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 24--The junior varsity football team concluded its season on an unhappy note today, losing decisively to Yale, 22-0, in a cold and lonely corner of water-soaked DeWitt Cuyler Field.

The game marked Harvard's third straight loss and left the squad with a final record of four wins and three losses for the season.

Playing without five key performers who were called up to the varsity by coach John Yoviisin this week, the Crimson fell behind in the opening moments of play and struggled back only to find itself a sad pack of mud-balls by the end of the game.

Harvard gained only 65 yards in total offense all afternoon, 30 by rushing and 35 by passing. The Bulldogs, on the other hand, gained 215 yards, 185 on the ground and 30 in the air.

Yale's first score came on its first series of downs, when quarterback Jack Cirie took the ball over on a 16-yard jaunt off right tackle to conclude a 35-yard drive. Harvard, which had been caught deep in its own territory on the kickoff, had punted to the 35 on a fourth down after an ineffective drive. Cirie punched the ball over for two extra points, to put the Elis in the lead, 8-0.


In the second quarter, Yale notched its second tally with a nine-yard run by fullback Steve Williams at the end of a 60-yard drive. The extra point attempt failed, but the Bulldogs had pushed their lead to 14-0.

Harvard came back with a passing attack in a desperate attempt to get back into the ball game. Quarterback Tim Casgar defied the rains and let go with one missile after another, a policy that the team maintained for the rest of the contest. Because of the dreary conditions, however, the Crimson was able to complete only three of its 17 passing attempts, and, when Harvard wasn't passing, it was punting.

Yale scored its final touchdown because of Harvard's passing craze. In the third quarter, Cirie intercepted a Harvard pass on his own 30 and returned it to the 11. Then the Yalies marched the ball ahead for a first down on the one, after which fullback John Morrison plunged over for the touchdown.

A Lavely-to-Sexton pass added two points to give the Bulldogs the game by a margin of 22-0.
