
House Teams Face Yale In Intramural Contests

About 500 Harvardmen and Yalies--their combined total exceeding the number of varsity footballers in the entire Big Ten--will square off against each other this afternoon in a veritable potpourri of intramural athletic events.

In the key contest, Kirkland House will play off the tackie football championship against Yale's Trumbull College. Trumbull, with an 8-0 victory over Winthrop House, was the only winner for the Elis in last fall's Harvard-Yale intramurals, and coaches Jim Johnson and Bob Stivers have built a powerful offense around a whole host of returning veterans.

Championship to Be Battle

But Kirkland is sending almost three full teams down to New Haven, and from all appearances, they should turn the Championship into quite a battle.

The game will start at 2:30 p.m, on Yale's central intramural field.


The other House football teams will play squads from their affiliated colleges. In the first round of games, Harvard's third place House unit--Leverett--will take on Timothy Dwight. Adams Rouse will meet Saybrook, Lowell will play Pierson, and Dudley will play Calhoun.

In the second round, Eliot House, which won the Harvard Championship last fall and then went on to whip Davenport College 26 to 0 in the play-off, will take on Jonathan Edwards. Dunster will meet Berkeley; Winthrop, Davenport; and Quincy House, which finished fourth in Cambridge this year after knocking Leverett out of the title race with a 6-0 victory in the season's final game, will take on Branford College.

In the championship soccer game, Branford will meet Dunster at 2 p.m. There will only be one other intramural soccer game, between Calhoun and Kirkland, an hour later.

Touch football teams from Dunster, Kirkland, and Winthrop ended the season in a tie, but a meeting of the athletic secretaries selected Dunster to face the Yale winner. Trumbull. In the freshman play-off, Holworthy will be paired against the Eli's South Middle.
