
SGA to Recommend Liberalizing Sign-Outs for 'Cliffe Next Year

All 'Cliffes except freshmen could sign it until 7 a.m. If an SGA proposal is approved. President Bunting has shown interest in the plan, although it has not yet been formally submitted to the Deans.

At present, a 'Cliffle may normally stay that no later than 1 a.m. during her first three years. But seniors who rank group V or above and who have a good social record may leave their dorm as late as 1 a.m. and sign out until 7 a.m. without the Head Reisdent's permission after the first six weeks.

Recommend "Two O'Clocks"

If this plan is not approved, SGA will commend that all girls be given "two docks" to replace the present "one docks." Under the existing system Cliffie may get only a limited number of two o'clocks" from her Head Resident in special circumstances.

Freshman restrictions will also be reviewed by the Deans and SGA. Although they may be "tightened, liberalized, or obolished," SGA president Emily R. Otis doubts that there will be any changes made in the limit of 30 "one o'clocks" or present sign-out procedure.


Most people feel that freshmen need one limitation until they become acquinted with their courses and college she explained. But, Miss Otis said, two o'clock" would be a fairer restriction for freshmen.
