
Strong Ivy Opposition Challenges 'Balanced' Crimson Swim Team

The Winter Sports: IV

In recent years, the swimming team has consistently been among the top five dual meet teams in the nation, and this year will be no different.

The team has what coach Bill Brooks calls "interesting balance," working from a nucleus of strength in seniors Bob Kaufmann. Jim Coffman, Norris Eisenbrey and Bill Zentgraf. Of all the events, only the diving is noticeably weak. The relay teams, despite the loss of last year's seniors Bruce Hunter and Bill Schellestede, should continue to be the best in the league.

In the sprints, Brooks will rely on Zentgraf, Kaufmann, and Alan Engelberg. Fred Elizalde, Kaufmann and sophomores Harry Turener and Bob price should dominate the buttery events. Breaststroker Bill Chadsey appears to have the 200 yard event sewn up.

John Pringle, the team's workhorse, is along with Kaufmann, also its most versatile swimmer. As he proved in last year's Navy meet, Pringle can swim butterfly, backstroke or individual medley.

Divine, one of the team's weakest events last year, is again unpromising. Jeff Lewy, last year's top man, is suffering from a leg aliment and Clark Peters is now in the hospital, recovering from a minor operation. Sophomores Jay. Shelton and John Heuser have improved since last year, but lack experience in varsity competition.


For the first time this year, there are two league meets before Christmas--the two service academies. A week after opening against Springfield, Dec. 2, the team meets Army. But everyone is now concerned with the Navy meet, which will be held at Annapolis, Dec. 16.

Navy is one of the Crimson's four big challenges this year. Dartmouth is another--it is also an away meet, and the Indians have the advantage of their own pool, which visiting teams find disconcerting. A third is Princeton. The Tigers, who this year boast a topnotch breaststroker in Gardiner Green and an excellent backstroker in Jed Graef, as well as the best diving in the Ivy League, could give the Crimson trouble.

Many have advanced fears that Princeton will upset the Crimson, even though the meet this year is at Cambridge. Graef is an excellent sprinter, and the Tiger medley relay team should be as good as any in the east. It will be a meet worth watching.

The big question, of course, is always can we beat Yale? The most realistic Elis will be the only team to beam to beat Harvard this year.

(This concludes the Winter Sports Series.)
