
Half Freshmen Questioned Veto Depots

Forty-six per cent of freshmen questioned yesterday expressed dislike of the present laundry depot system, with their opinions ranging from annoyed mumbles to obscenity.

Of the 440 responding to the oral poll, 91, 20%, expressed violent hatred; and 117, or 26%, disliked the system enough to greatly prefer door-to-door delivery--even granting the alleged chance of stolen laundry.

One hundred eleven, or 25%, thought the system "all right" or "tolerable," with 46, (10%), absolutely passionate in their approval. The superlative admirers in every case lived across the hall from a "depot" or worked for the laundry service.

Nineteen students felt themselves unqualified to make a decision, and 60, or 14%, "couldn't care less."

In general, however, the issue was taken fairly lightly by both sides.


The most froquent complaints were the inconvenience of the distance and the time schedule. As one boy was giving his opinion, he realized that he had just missed his laundry delivery.

"Full of Sheet"

Some of the adjectives used by the system haters were "execrable," "abominable," "it crawls," "full of sheet," "chaotic," "evil," "inefficient," and "oversexed."

Seven legal-minded objectors claimed that the system was a breach of contract, and that door-to-door delivery, as in the houses, had been guaranteed beforehand. One boy felt that creating the job of overseeing laundry delivery was featherbedding, and that he'd "like to get a job like that."

Serious suggestions for improvement were made, including distribution of the laundry all day, once a week, or increasing the number of depots.

Many objected to the CRIMSON'S "making such an issue" of the depot system. Nearly all the boys who had indicated indifference were scornful of the whole idea. "How can you get excited about dirty laundry?" or "It's all right, as laundry depot systems go,' were typical comments. One boy smiled and said, "It's better than leaving it in the streets."

Even the strong haters and fervent admirers were disrespectful to the issue. Boys who wallow in the same linen all year or wash it in the Charles considered themselves superior to the depot system.

"It should be replaced by the House system," said one boy with an ambiguous gleam in his eye. Three others, nearly one per cent, came out with the witticism, "It should be cleaned up."

Praisers were relatively unimaginative.
