
HSA Depot System in Yard To Continue Through Year

Dean von Stade has riled that the linen and laundry depot system in the Yard will continue until at least the end of the academic year. He said that he had found the system working "pretty well" in the past month and asked, "Why go back to the other scheme?"

Last month, von Stade called the system "ill-planned" and reported that it was plagued by complete confusion. The Dean of Freshmen said yesterday that he changed his mind after examining the present system and after discussing it with Dean Monro, Dean Watson, Arthur H. Trottenberg '48 Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for Business Affairs, and Dustin M. Burke '52, Director of Student Employment and of the Harvard Student Agencies.

The HSA instituted the plan this September in order to avoid pilfering of linen and cluttering hallways with laundry.

According to von Stade, Burke has said that he will conduct a poll of freshmen later in the year to determine the feeling of the Class of 1965. Also, von Stade said, the Administration will re-examine the depot system throughout the year.

Talks With Freshmen


Von Stade said that he also based his decision on talking with Freshman Class representatives. A spokesman for the Freshman Council reported last night that the group was split in its opinion of the new system for picking up and depositing linen and laundry. He said that von Stade had been anxious from the start to have the Council's thoughts on the matter.

When the new system was instituted at the beginning of the term, the Gold Coast and the Coop--local concerns with dorm laundry services--complained that they were not duly notified about the change in operation. Gordon Linen Service, through which HSA runs its linen delivery, did not voice similar complaints.

Also, some members of the Administration mentioned that they were unaware of the new policy until it was in effect.

Yesterday, Dean Monro sharply criticized student press representative for worrying about "a petty issue."
