
McIntire Victor In Song Contest

McIntire House swept all honors in this year's Radcliffe Song Contest Wednesday night in the living room of Moors Hall.

The only off-campus hall to enter the contest, McIntire sang the lament of "The Dying Cliffie" before an appreciative audience of over 100. Lyrics and melody were composed by Lisa Belberman '63:

Please pay my phone bill for November

Take my Gordon linen down.

Do my bells if you remember.


I'm a leaving Cambridge town.

. . . without even signing out.

The judges, Professors Rosenberg and Woodworth and Radcliffe's Dean Sherman, awarded second place to Eliot Hall for its song about the dorm being swallowed up by the new House System. The girls of Whitman, singing of the anguish of paper writing, won third prize.

Judging of the annual affair is based on originality, humor, and presentation.
