
Present CD Planning Ignores University, Pattullo Maintains

The present Civil Defense Administration merely "writes off" university students in its consideration of civilian defense measures, according to Edward L. Pattullo, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Pattullo, one of the Faculty members who signed an open letter to President Kennedy protesting the Administration's policy on shelters, hopes "that the fact of the professors' signing will have a special effect on students. Students at Harvard have a very special interest in this, since CD always writes off the blast areas."

"It's we who are being written off," said Pattullo, in pointing out that present discussion about shelters almost invariably begins, "Although there is not much hope for those in the immediate blast area . . ."

'Students Will Suffer'

"What are the immediate blast areas?" he asked. "That's us in Cambridge, New York, Los Angeles. Students will be the ones to suffer, but they are not being told. There's a real quality of fraud in the present public relations effort for people in the blast areas."


The letter to Kennedy appeared in Saturday's New York Times. It objected to the current trend of accepting nuclear war as inevitable.

Said Pattullo, "The present CD policy does very, very little for anybody. They forget about the really major cases. I'd be pleased if the letter got students thinking."
