
Dirty Laundry

First they said it was Pusey, then Bundy, then Pusey again. Now it is clear: the Harvard Student Agencies runs the place. A case in point is HSA's "depot" linen and laundry system in the Yard--instituted in September without the consent or even the knowledge of those in the Administration responsible for such matters.

Administration officials have hinted throughout the Fall that the depot system is a hopeless mess, yet have taken no action at all. Dean von Stade is supposedly in charge of solicitation in the Yard; all he would say was that the Administration will take a long look at the plan and then decide whether or not to continue it.

It is about time that someone--be it the Dean of Freshmen, the Assistant Dean of the Faculty for Business Affairs, the Dean of the College, or the Dean of Students--announces what he thinks of the depot system and what will be done about it.

The Deans talk of a pending investigation, but everyone concerned hopes that someone else will make it. Meanwhile, HSA continues its depot system in the Yard and threatens (in a letter to all undergraduates) to extend it to the Houses. When shall we know, clearly and boldly, what those in charge--and not HSA--are going to do about the linen affair?
