
The President to Asia

Yesterday President Pusey left Cambridge and embarked on a two-month Asian tour. He will visit Far Eastern universities, Harvard Clubs, and dignitaries and will, of course, pay his respects to the "Harvard Ambassadors" in Tokyo and New Delhi.

The President's trip represents no slight undertaking. It will lay the ground for a needed exchange of ideas and talent between Harvard and the intellectual centers of the Far East. It will thus lead to a multiplication of the far-flung commitments of Harvard and to an extension of the cultural influence of the United States.

It is a bit too late to commend President Pusey for foresight in his new venture. The Asian tour has been on the drawing boards for several years. And it is perhaps unnecessary to point out that in this instance, as in others, the President is acting energetically to give concrete expression to a wise and lofty view of the role of this University.
