

Forty-eight high school and college teachers of mathematics and science have been selected to attend the University's Academic Year Institute. This is the fifth such Institute planned by Harvard under the sponsorsip of the National Science Foundation.

This year's representatives to the Institute come from 20 states and Canada. for the Institute continue till the of the academic year in June.

The purpose of the Institute is to provide mathematics and science teachers opportunity to learn of recent advances in their fields, and to consider the of curriculum and instructional changes in their schools. For this purpose, each student is given a year of all-time study, free from teaching responsibilities.

Students at the Institute are able to regular advanced courses in mathematics and science offered by Harvard. limited number of special Institute courses and special sections of regular courses are also available.

Each student's course of study requires the approval of the Director of the Institute, and must include at least four full courses or eight half courses. In addition to the Director of the program and his assistant, advisers from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences counsel and assist the students throughout the year.

Each student is expected to take at least one or two courses in curriculum development and teaching procedures in the sciences or mathematics. A certificate is awarded upon satisfactory completion of the year's work.

This year's Institute participants were chosen from 550 applicants. To be eligible, a candidate must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college, and be presently teaching mathematics or the sciences in a public or private secondary school. The candidate must have a minimum of three years' teaching experience in these fields. A limited number of college teachers who the Executive Committee of the Academic Year Institute feels would benefit from the program are also accepted. A candidate is not allowed to attend more than one Institute.
