
Affidavit and Oath Requirements

According to Section 1001 (f) of the National Defense Education Act, a student is not eligible for a Title II loan--or for any other NDEA payment unless he:

(1) has executed and filed with a Commissioner (of Education) an affidavit that he does not believe, in and is not a member of and does not support any organization that believe in or teaches, the overthrow of the United States government by foul or violence or by any illegal or unconstitutional methods, and (2) has taken and subscribed to an oath of affirmation in the following form: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance the United States of America and to support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all its enemies, foreign and domestic. The provisions of Section 1001 of The 18, United States Code, shall be applicable with respect to such affidavits.
