
Student Council Debates New Constitution

The Student Council last night postponed until Monday night acceptance of the new constitution and its presentation in a College-wide referendum.

A hassle over the suggested name of the new council, Harvard Council for Undergraduate Affairs, took up most of the 35-minute discussion period allotted to the constitution. One faction admitted it is less "melodious" than Student Council, saying it is "not meant to be sung, but said," and that Student Council is a misleading name because it implies student government. "Harvard students want representation but don't want to be spoken for," Stephen L. Pohl '62 of the Committee on Re-organization said.

Others argued that the change in name would do little if anything to deter those who might use it to the detriment of the organization, and said proper election of council officers and reservation of the right of impeachment are more important than a name change. One student called the name "Innocuous" and said if the student council really means it is as "Innocuous" a body as the new name implies, then there is no reason for its continued existence.

In other action, Council approved a petition of the Harvard-Radcliffe Liberal Union to allow it to collect funds in support of an organization for improving Negro voting right in the South.

It voted to send a representative to the Harvard Athletic Asociation to ask that Yale football tickets be issued before Thanksgiving rather than on the Friday afterwards.
