
WHRB Quits Code of NAB To Carry Ad

WHRB has cancelled its subscription to the good conduct code of the National Association of Broadcasters in order to carry hard liquor advertising over its FM channel.

The NAB forbids member stations to carry advertisements for hard liquor because they are "not in the public interest." About 50 per cent of the commerical-radio stations in the United States subscribe to the code.

Robert C. Channon '62, station manager said that the action was taken in protest against the NAB, "because WHRB believes that there is no justification for putting advertising restrictions only one medium." There are no limitations on hard liquor advertising in newspapers and magazines.

Channon asserted that he is "in favor of a ban on hard liquor advertising altogether but that it is "grossly unfair for one medium to be affected."

The liquor companies are contracting advertisements only on WHRB FM. Channon explained that the companies aware of the conflict about advertising liquor now raging within the broading industry, and would not open themselves to the charge of promoting liquor to minors by advertising on the closed circuit AM station.


Other Ivy Stations Restricted

Other Ivy League radio stations belong to the NAB, but university policies prohibit them from carrying advertisements for hard liquor. Harvard does not exercise any control over the advertising policies of student organizations.

WHRB, only the Yale and Princeton stations in the Ivy League have FM channels. Although both stations carry advertisements for beer and wine, they do not handle hard liquor advertising.

WHRB is not the only station in the Boston area to leave the NAB for hard liquor. Stations WBOS and WCRB now have liquor contracts.
