
Eliot House Presents Motion Picture Series

The movies "The Lost Weekend," with Ray Milland and "Daredevil," with Ben Turpin, tonight at Eliot House, will be the first in a series of old-time motion pictures to be presented at Eliot on Friday evenings.

The selections will be shown every week through Nov. 17 and will include comedies by W. C. Fields and the Marx Brothers, in addition to other favorites of a generation ago. As a series special, "Queen Kelly," with Gloria Swanson and Eric Von Stroheim, a film that could not pass the censors in 1929, will be shown on Friday, Dec. 1.

Admission will be by series ticket only, which are $3.25 for the public and $2.00 for Eliot House card holders. Ladies will be admitted only if accompanied by a series ticket holder.


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