
Cross Country Squad To Face Dartmouth

Dartmouth threatens to end the varsity cross country squad's undefeated season at Hanover today. The Crimson is definitely favored-if Indian captain Tom Laris is unable to compete in top form.

One of the East's best runners, Laris collapsed 50 yards from the finish line in a meet last week. But Laris has been training this week and may have a good chance to outrun the varsity big three-Ed Hamlin, Mark Mullin, and Ed Meehan.

Since the winning team in cross country must take at least one of the first three places, the varsity should win if Laris can't run. But the Crimson's Mark Mullin may be slowed down by an infected toe and a stiff leg muscle, and then the Indians' depth might give Dartmouth a surprise victory.

The freshman squad is also slightly favored over Dartmouth. Captain John Ogden, who finished third in last week's Penn-Columbia triangular meet, will lead the Harvard harriers.
