
The Arts Center

The Architect, by his arrangement of forms, realizes an order which is a pure creation of his spirit; by forms and shapes he affects our senses to an acute degree and provokes plastic emotions; by the relationships which he creates he wakes profound echoes in us, he gives us the measure of an order which we feel to be in accordance with that of our world, he determines the various movements of our heart and of our understanding; it is then that we experience the sense of beauty. --Le Corbusier, Towards a New Architecture.

At last the University has released Le Corbusier's dramatic plans for the Visual Arts Center. It has released them virtually intact, and in this the community has been fortunate, for it was not always clear that a desire to save money would not seriously tamper with them. Indeed, the Corporation originally withheld approval of the building designs because its members found contractors' estimates unexpectedly high. For a short but nervous period, they were confronted with a choice among footing the bill, searching for lower estimates, and altering the architect's plans.

Concern for cost is undeniably the Corporation's business, but although the question of price tags on Harvard's new projects is an essential one, it would be nothing less than tragic to see the Fellows cutting corners on Le Corbusier for the sake of small economics. Happily, they approved his drawings almost without reservation by Commencement Day.

Now, after needless delays, the University can proudly display Le Corbusier's first work in the United States. Of Harvard's latest buildings, the Arts Center is certainly the most unusual and attractive, and its interior the most freely designed. The architect has made brilliant and appealing use of natural sunlight and natural ventilation. The Carpenters have contributed generously to the Program, and because of their gift a master of architecture has added genius and beauty to a landscape that badly needs them.
