
Tower's Conservative Doctrines Cheered Heartily by Mass. YR's

Sen. John Tower (R-Tex.), a conservative's conservative, recited the standard rightist line before an ecstatic houseful of Massachusetts Young Republicans Saturday night at the Harvard Club of Boston.

The first Republican Senator elected from Texas since Reconstruction days elicited the loudest huzzahs of the night when he said about the Berlin crisis, "There is a great deal of talk about negotiation. We should not sit at the conference table until the great wall is brought down."

"Coexistence is a myth," Tower said of the world-wide struggle with Communism. "The Communists don't believe in it. The very nature of the Marxist doctrine means you've got to have it everywhere to make it work. It won't work anyway, in my opinion."

Tower declared that the best way to get the support of the uncommitted African nations "is to gain the respect of these people, not to appeal to what we think their moral standards are .... They have one moral standard for us, and one for Russia." As an example of this duality, he pointed to the results of the Belgrade conference.

The African nations, Tower said, "will eventually be committed, not to the nation they think is morally right, but to the nation they think is winning the cold war."


He claimed, "We must oppose the admission of Outer Mongolia and Red China to the United Nations. The collapse of the U.N. is imminent if either is admitted." Tower spoke against any type of aid to Communist-bloc countries.

TV Show Films Speech

Parts of Tower's speech to an audience packed with members of the Young Americans for Freedom were filmed for use on NBC's David Brinkley's Journal this Wednesday. According to Howard J. Phillips '62, Mass. college chairman of the Young Republicans and a national director of YAF, Brinkley's program will document the conservative revival at this summer's NSA convention and elsewhere.
