
Vandiver For Governor

The secretary of the Army must be a civilian. Through the workings of history, the stars, and no doubt personal preference the Governor of Georgia happens to be a civilian. Beyond this accidental rudimentary qualification, however, Ernest Vandvier has strikingly little to recommend him as a possible choice for the Army post.

So the constantly reiterated news that President-elect Kennedy was "seriously considering" installation in the Pentagon of a man who has for years opposed recial integration not only in the schools but also in the armed services seemed a distressing anomaly among careful and intelligent appointments. To be sure, the chairmen of the Senate and House Armed Services Committee were all for the idea, but Senator Russell and Representative Vinson have both in their time displayed the milk-white segregationist crest, and both, of course, are Georgians.

And yesterday the good Governor solved the problem by withdrawing himself from consideration because "my first duty is to the people of Georgia." The new administration will be the better for Vandiver's loyalty to his constituents.
