
Kennedy to Join Overseers At Meeting Here Monday

President-elect John F. Kennedy '40 will visit the University Monday for January meeting of the Board of Overseers. The sixth Harvard graduate to be elected President, and the third President to serve on the Board, Kennedy will the first Chief Executive to retain his membership while in office.

Despite the presence of Kennedy, the Board's itinerary will remain unchanged. The regular business meeting, at which President Pusey will deliver his annual report will be held in the Faculty Room in the University Hall at 10:30 a.m.

The Overseers, including Kennedy, will then tour the Loeb Drama Center and have lunch in the lobby. The 2 p.m. afternoon session of the Board will convene at the Loeb and hear four professors discuss the subject "The Chemistry Of Life." Dean Bundy will moderate the meeting.

Rumors that Secret Service men have checked University Hall could not be corroborated, but the University Police indicated that they expected to be contacted soon concerning security measures.

Definite plans for Kennedy's arrival and stat at the University will be announced today or tomorrow.


The President-elect was named to the Board of Overseers in 1957 for a six-year term. John Quincy Adams (1787) served before and after his term as President; Franklin Delano Roosevelt '04 and Theodore Roosevelt '80 were members of the Board before their elections. By choosing to retain his seat, Kennedy becomes the first to be a member while in office.

The 29 other members of the Board of Overseers, who are chosen by annual vote of the alumni of the University, represent all areas of public life.

Perhaps the best known are Neil H. McElroy '25, former Secretary of Defense and presently chairman of the board of Proctor and Gamble, and Ralph J. Bunche '29, undersecretary for political affairs in the United Nations.

Education is represented by Courtney C. Smith '38, president of Swarthmore College; finance by Devereux C. Josephs '15, president of the Board of Overseers and former chairman of the Board of the New York Life Insurance Company; journalism by John Cowles '21 of the Cowles newspaper chain; and business by Stanley Marcus '25, president of Nieman Marcus, Dallus department store.
