
Jorgenson's Goal Stops B.C., 2-1; Sextet Bows in R.P.I. Tournament

Jerry Jorgenson's goal in sudden-death overtime gave the Crimson a 2-1 victory over the undefeated Boston College hockey team last Monday night. The victory was the sextet's fifth, against three losses and a tie.

Earlier, the varsity had finished third in the R.P.I. Invitational Tournament in Troy, N.Y., missing a second place tie by allowing one more goal than New Brunswick, which also posted a 1-1-1 record.

Before a capacity crowd at B.C.'s McHugh Forum, where hundreds were turned away, Jorgenson broke a 1-1 tie when he took a corner pass out from Dave Crosby and fired a close shot that bounded off B.C. goalie Jim Logue's skate into the cage at 3:49. The Crimson win was the first in its last six tries against the Eagles and marked B.C.'s second defeat ever by a New England opponent on the McHugh ice.

Boston College dominated the opening minutes and after ten minutes of play went ahead on a goal by Billy Hogan. Hogan took a pass from Paul Alken and, from six feet out, faked out Crimson goalie Bob Bland.

Forbes Ties Game


The Crimson's hard checking then began to slow down B.C. in the second period as the varsity's offense also improved. The team's efforts paid off early in the third period when each team had a man in the penalty box. Defenseman Dave Johnston brought the puck up past his own blue line and passed in the center zone to captain Stew Forbes. The Crimson wing dashed in on a lone Eagle defender, faked a pass to Jorgenson, and flipped a 25-footer past Logue.

Both team's defenses were sharp all night; Logue had only 18 saves, Bland 17. Coach Cooney Welland started the contest with an offense shake-up that featured Jorgenson, a sophomore, in the fore. The change paid off with each of the sextet's important tallies.

R.P.I. Wins, 5-3

At the R.P.I. Field House Dec. 26-28, the Crimson ran into the host team in the opening round and let the Engineers squeak by with a 5-3 triumph and go on to win the tourney with a 3-0 record. The varsity and New Brunswick finished with a win, a tie, and a loss.

Against Ronsselaer, the Crimson played its expected rough game game and nearly surprised the host school. R.P.I. jumped ahead with a 3-0 lead in the first period that made the difference. The varsity rallied to within 4 to 3 with a little more than a minute left in the game but R.P.I. scored when, in an effort to tie the count, the Crimson took out Bland and left the goal unguarded.

Crimson Ties New Brunswick

The next night, the varsity led New Brunswick by a score of 4 to 3 as late as ten minutes of the final period. The Canadians, however, tied the score at 1 to 4 and, behind their star, goalle Dave Inch. held the Crimson.

Forbes, scoring his first two goals of the season, led his teammates to a relatively easy triumph (after the preceding days of the round-robin play) over Princeton, 6 to 1.

After the game, Dave Grannis and defenseman Bob Anderson of the Crimson were named to the second all-tourney team.

Welland's outfit now faces a two-game road trip through upper New York State and then a return engagement with B.C. next Wednesday at Watson Rink.
