To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The present method of electing the Student Council President should be revised. Instead of being chosen by the members of the Student Council alone, he should be elected by the entire student body, whom he is often alleged to represent. There are at least three arguments in support of this plan:
In the first place, it would remove the office of the President from the influence, bickerings, and personal feuds of a group of semi-professional politicians.
Secondly, it would serve to decrease the apathy and increase the feeling of interest and participation by the Student Body in the activities of the Council and its President.
Thirdly, it would spur the candidates for office to attempt to develop new ideas and a more dynamic program for implementation by the Council, in order to win student support.
If there are a number of drawbacks to changing the present system, which outweigh these benefits, I would be very interested in seeing them presented, preferably by a member of the Student Council. Barry Lando '61.
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