
Yale to Extend Friday Parietal Hours

Old Blues looked askance, and the Bulldog was restless last week, as Yale announced the extension of Friday night parietal hours from 8:30 to 12 midnight, effective Jan. 30.

"Friday night has become a part of the weekend when social activities are concentrated," explained Richard C. Carrol, associate dean of the College.

Parietals at Yale are different from those at Harvard in several respects. Since the notorious "Susie" scandal last winter, women have not been allowed in students' rooms during the week. However, the extension of Friday night visiting hours leaves the weekend virtually free from University restriction.

Lady visitors are now permitted in the colleges at Yale on Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12 midnight, and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The freshman curfew was not affected by the new ruling.

The extended hours are consistent with Yale's broadening policy, according to Carrol. He said that the new Yale parietals are "exceedingly liberal, judged by standards in any other college." Harvard hours now last until 8 p.m. and 12 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights respectively.


Yale's decision greatly enhances our chances of having Friday night parietals extended," declared Albert Jacobs '61, who last year headed a student council group which investigated the possibility of altering parietal hours.

Masters' Opinions Differ

Jacobs explained that the Masters, who must approve any change in House regulations, are divided into three groups in their objections: those who would prefer not to have any parietal hours at all; those whose chief concern is for inconvenienced roommates; and, those who would eliminate weekday parietals but extend parietals on Friday nights.

Last year the council committee proposed an 11 o'clock curfew on Friday nights. The study found that 41 per cent of the students never have women in their rooms during the week; 33 per cent have lady visitors once a week; 12 per cent use parietals twice a week; and, nine per cent have guests in their rooms at least three days a week.

The council poll of the student body found that 88 per cent of the school would favor an extension of curfew on Friday night from 3:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. While six per cent abstained, only six per cent favored no change at all.

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