
'Veritas' Report To Reach 30,000

A Veritas Foundation report accusing the Harvard faculty of left-wing activities will be circulated to 20,000 additional alumni, according to Kenneth D. Robertson, Jr. '29, one of the founders of the Foundation.

The second printing will boost to 30,000 the number of copies of the study, which is called Keynes at Harvard, and is subtitled "Economic Deception as a Political Credo."

Left wingers--"Fabians and Keynsians" have turned the Economics Department into a "virtual Keynsian monopoly," the report claims. Citing Seymour E. Harris, Alvin H. Hansen, and other professors of Economics by name, the study points to the Department as "the breeding ground of much of the leftism in Harvard."

A form letter was sent to thousands of Alumni urging them to buy the 114 page pamphlet, Robertson said.

The $25,000 report was financed by Alumni in response to a letter sent out by the Foundation. "Veritas" is headed by three Harvard graduates: Arthur B. Harlow '25, William A. Robertson '31, and Archibald Roosevelt '31.
