
Varsity Squash Team Overwhelms Big Green's Squad in 9-0 Shut-Out

Harvard's squash team downed a mediocre Dartmouth varsity Saturday, winning all nine individual matches and losing only three games all afternoon.

Hampy Howell's match against Dartmouth's Dave Smoyer at number two was typical. Howell moved to an early 6-1 lead, and then ran the first game out to 15-10. After taking the second by the same score, he broke an 11-all tie in the third with a backhand from deep in the left rear corner, off the left rear corner, off the left wall, and into the right front corner, where the ball gave two dismal bounces and rolled out of Smoyer's reach. Howell won the game, 15-13.

At number one, Peter Smith had more difficulty. After winning two games by 15-13 and 15-10, he picked up a 14-10 lead over Dartmouth's Pete Meyer. But Smith lost the next four points on shots into the tin, and after deciding to stake the game on one point, hit a fifth shot too low and lost the game.

A 15-13 victory in the fourth game effectively squashed any hopes for a Dartmouth comeback.

Roger Weigand won easily at number three, defeating Ron Picket in consecutive games, 15-11, 15-5, and 15-7. Playing the fourth-ranked Indian, Bob Schwartzman ran into trouble only at 14-13 of the second game, after winning the first by 15-8. But he capped a long rally with a backhand drop shot, to win it 15-13. He won the third by 25-5.


Sullivan, Peote Win in Three

Paul Sullivan and Doug Poole, playing at five and six respectively, both took their matches in three games.

Clark Grew won the Crimson's toughest match of the day, against seventh-ranked Bob Kaplan. Down 2 to 1 in games, Grew rallied to win the final contest by 15-5 and 15-10.

Doug Walter and Alec McDonell also won three-game matches for the Crimson.

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