
Fencers Lose Match To Columbia Squad By 14-13 Margin

The varsity fencing team gave Columbia a real scare Saturday, but lost 14 to 13. In losing, though, the Crimson came as close as it could to defeating the Ivy League favorite and traditionally one of the nation's top fencing teams.

Alan Gardner and Bill Bennett both swept their three epee bouts in leading the Crimson to a 6-3 advantage in this weapon. John Reckler lost two epee bouts and Peter Piazza one.

The match remained extremely close until the final four bouts. With Columbia leading 12 to 11, Lions Jay Lustig (in foil) and Jim Melcher (in epee) each won their only bouts of the day; and this was enough to win the contest.

Columbia took both the foil and the sabre, 6 to 3, and 5 to 4. The varsity's individual summaries here were: foil--captain Larry Johnson, 2-1, Mahlon Wheeler, 0-3, and Walter McBeth, 1-2; saber--Jon Piel, 2-1, Lajes Heder, 2-1, and Jamie Pusey, 0-3.

The match was Columbia's first League victory in as many starts. The varsity's record now stands at 0-2, and 3-2 overall.


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