It is infrequent these days when one can read a newspaper article concerning itself with a reception received by Dick Nixon in some town or other, without being slightly skeptical of the figures quoted or the descriptions of the crowd enthusiasm. Yet on Thursday, September 29, a large number of the members of the Students for Nixon-Lodge found themselves squarely in the middle of certainly one of the most tumultuous, (at least, pulse- Young Republicans and Nixon partisans from all over the state formed a constant, consistent (but now hoarse) hard core, with the Harvard contingent probably the best organized and equipped among them. The laughing, hand-crushing candidate was cheered and confettied practically to the threshold of his suite, where he prepared for a dinner in his honor that evening.... Newsletter of Harvard Students for Nixon, received at the CRIMSON yesterday at 4 p.m. Mr. Nixon arrived in Boston yesterday at 5:30 p.m.
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